You have talent and the PTA wants you to show it! Step up and join an open PTA committee today.
Please see a list of all committees and their descriptions below. Follow the link to sign up or ask questions and if there is anything you do not see but would like to suggest, go for it!
Class Parents
Class Parents are liaisons between classrooms and parents, assisting teachers with such tasks as the organization of class parties, special projects, field trips and social events. Serving as a class parent is an excellent opportunity to connect to your child’s class and to be involved in both the classroom and student/family community.
The Audit Committee performs a yearly audit of PTA accounts. The Audit Committee may be made up of one or more persons, provided, however, that no one who is an authorized check signatory for Haldane PTA, or has a familial relationship (e.g. spouse) of an authorized check signatory may be on this committee. Neither the President nor the Treasurer may be a member of the Audit Committee, but both must be available to the Audit Committee. If no one volunteers for this Committee, this function may be performed by an accountant or other appropriate person for a fee. The Audit Committee shall use the Financial Review Form and procedure provided by the Treasurer.
Each fall and spring, the Enrichment Committee offers a selection of after-school enrichment classes in six or eight week sessions. Classes are taught by local instructors and Haldane teachers, and offerings vary from session to session. Past programs have included chess club, language instruction, guitar, science, and art. The Enrichment Committee should follow the Enrichment Procedures Manual, and work with the building principals and school Vice Presidents.
Book Fairs
In cooperation with the school and a bookseller (such as Scholastic Books or Split Rock Books), the PTA sponsors fall and spring book fairs for the Elementary & Middle Schools. The book fairs serve both as fundraisers and as opportunities to bring students quality books at reduced cost.
Formed in 2019, the Haldane EDI Committee is committed to fostering a school climate that values diversity, inclusion, and kindness. Our understanding of diversity is broad and our aims are: (1) to help students develop greater compassion and respect for themselves and others; (2) to support parents, teachers, and staff in their efforts to build a community centered around radical inclusion and kindness; and (3) to create opportunities for conversations about the many forms of diversity that enrich the Haldane community. The EDI Committee aims to support students on their journey towards self-understanding and compassion for others, as evidenced by increasing kindness towards others, service to the community, and engagement in education as preparation to be courageous citizens. We believe that becoming a global citizen requires moving beyond tolerance, and towards a fuller commitment to human dignity and the courage to act in the interest of social justice and human rights, in ways both big and small. This also requires the acknowledgement and understanding of biases - that may be conscious or unconscious - and active work towards remediating these biases. We recognize that the responsibility for doing these things belongs to all of us - administrators, faculty, staff, parents, and students.
This Committee coordinates all the events that have been approved and established by the Exec Committee every year. The Committee should work closely with the Communications Secretary and the Treasurer to ensure that all appropriate guidelines are being followed and provide information such as parent volunteers and budget allocations if needed back to the Committee. The annual events calendar includes the annual Festival which traditionally takes place the first Friday of the school year at 3:30. The Committee organizes a funfilled event for all students, teachers and families. This event traditionally has a few sponsors such as the Haldane Faculty Association, and this Committee should continue to coordinate with our partners for sponsorship for the events
This Committee coordinates fundraising activities to raise funds for PTA expenses that exceed membership fees and donations. Activities are scheduled to provide families and friends an opportunity to socialize after school hours and to raise money for the PTA. Fundraising can also be in the form of sales or direct appeals. Fundraising Chair should work closely with the Communications Secretary and Treasurer to ensure that all appropriate guidelines are being followed and it is coordinated with the annual Events calendar.
Haldane’s PTA Garden Committee is a group of volunteer parents that manage and maintain the garden while providing support to teachers in how to integrate garden learning into their curriculum. The Garden Committee also works closely with Haldane’s Farm to School program and BOE Wellness Committee, providing fresh vegetables for the Chef in the Classroom program and the school cafeteria whenever possible. Haldane School Garden is not a part of the annual operating expenses of the Haldane School District and is 100% funded through grants and private and in-kind donations. It is run by volunteer labor alone.
The Heartfelt Committee offers aid to students and their families who may be suffering due to illness, death, or other family crises. Committee members organize meal donations and other courtesies to assist those in need.
Learning Differences
This Committee supports families and children with learning differences, including children who may be gifted in some areas yet struggle in others; and fosters strong partnerships between parents and educators to support respectful and program-enhancing dialogues within the schools and the communities.
PARP (Pick a Reading Partner)
PARP is a PTA-sponsored K-5 program that encourages reading and literacy-based activities for students and their families. Please see https://nyspta.org/home/programs/literacy/ for more information.
Coordinates our entries in the annual National PTA Reflections competition in the areas of Visual Art, Music, Literature, Dance Choreography, Film Production and Photography.
Each year, the PTA presents scholarships to seniors that have demonstrated their effort in volunteerism within the community that are in line with the core values of the mission of the PTA. This Committee will review all the applications and select a senior who has shown great achievement within the community.
The Sustainability Committee works to support environmental responsibility and sustainability within the school campus and community. In its inaugural year (2019-2020), the Sustainability Committee was instrumental in obtaining a grant from HSF for sustainable materials, compostable bins, and vermicular material.
Executive Committees
Detailed descriptions of these roles can be found in the PTA bylaws
The PTA President shall have general charge and supervision of the business and affairs of the Haldane PTA and perform the duties usually incident to the office of President of a not-for-profit association, chartered by the New York State PTA and organized under the laws of New York State. Be the spokesperson for the Haldane PTA. A detailed description of this roles can be found in the PTA bylaws
The PTA Treasurer is the custodian of all PTA funds. The Treasurer’s duties include keeping records and preparing reports to comply with local, state, and federal laws. The Treasurer works on the annual budget, and keeps track of all expenditures and ensures that they fall within the amounts and categories approved by membership. A detailed description of this roles can be found in the PTA bylaws
School VP’s (Elementary, Middle School, High School)
The main responsibility of a school VP is to act as the liaison between the School and the Executive Committee. The VP’s generally meets with the School Principal on a regular basis (this could be once a month, but should be at least once a term) and reports back to the Executive Committee at monthly Executive Committee meetings and to the President as frequently as updates occur. A detailed description of these roles can be found in the PTA bylaws
This Committee coordinates fundraising activities to raise funds for PTA expenses that exceed membership fees and donations. Activities are scheduled to provide families and friends an opportunity to socialize after school hours and to raise money for the PTA. Fundraising can also be in the form of sales or direct appeals. Fundraising Chair should work closely with the Treasurer and President to ensure that all appropriate guidelines are being followed. A detailed description of this roles can be found in the PTA bylaws
Recording Secretary
The Recording Secretary’s main duty is to take and keep the minutes. This is an important role as it serves to keep track of action items (items that have been voted on) and the status of ongoing events and activities. The Recording Secretary is also responsible for taking attendance at meetings and submitting Building Use Forms and communicating with Butterfield Library to reserve space for PTA meetings. The Recording Secretary generally accompanies the President to meetings with the Haldane administration and takes notes. A detailed description of this roles can be found in the PTA bylaws
Corresponding Secretary
The Corresponding Secretary’s main duty is to send and receive PTA correspondence. As this correspondence is mostly electronic (via email, Facebook, PTA memberhub and the like), the Corresponding Secretary’s duties involve being comfortable and proficient with technology. The Corresponding Secretary sends the PTA email blasts, maintains the PTA Facebook group and PTA section on the Haldane school website and/or Haldane PTA website, handles electronic solicitations of volunteers and funds (such as for the Giving Tree or Invest in Haldane initiatives), and coordinates and maintains the PTA directory. In addition, the Corresponding Secretary assists the President with online polling. The Corresponding Secretary makes sure that all correspondence and messages from the PTA are approved by the President before sending. The Corresponding Secretary is also (along with the President) the moderator for the Haldane PTA Facebook group, gmail account, and the PTA memberhub. A detailed description of this roles can be found in the PTA bylaws
Marketing and PR
This is a new role and is open to 1-2 candidates. Individuals will work directly with the Corresponding Secretary.