Join the Haldane PTA now, and get access to the directory.

Back by popular demand, the Haldane PTA is launching it’s directory

This resource includes contact information for all PTA members and the Haldane community.

We’ve curated this directory in the past, and after many requests, we’re bringing it back.

Membership is more than just the directory. It’s the best way to support the PTA

The PTA collaborates with the Haldane community to support students in many ways. Contributions via PTA membership are a huge part of our ability to fulfill that mission.

Just a few things the PTA does:

🚋 Provides financial support for field trips for students requiring financial aid

👩‍🌾 Runs the Garden Committee and Offers Outdoor After-School Garden Class

  • 👨‍🎓Scholarships for Graduating Seniors

  • 📚 The Book Fair

  • ⛵ Support for installing the sails to provide shade on the playground

  • 🕺 Elementary and middle school dances

  • 🗣️ Speaks up on behalf of parents

And much more!

💀 El Día de Muertos (sponsored and organized by the PTA EDI committee)

100 percent of the teachers at Haldane contribute to the PTA

Our goal is to have 90 percent of Haldane parents join the PTA.

Membership is open to all parents of Haldane students. Even if you don’t plan to be actively involved with the PTA, your membership is a significant support for the organization.

Renew your membership or join now for the 2024/2025 school year.

As the PTA looks ahead to supporting the school next year, we’re welcoming new and renewing members to join.

Join now for access to the membership directory.

Follow the link below support the Haldane PTA.